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Stir-Fried Salted Corn Squid Medan

Photo Stir-Fried Salted Corn Squid Medan

Fried corn mixed with salted squid is a delicious dish.
The combination of the goodness of the corn and the saltiness of the squid will make your tongue taste delicious. Fried salt squid is perfect as a delicious and easy side dish. To be able to cook this dish, you need ingredients like salted squid, petai and various spices. The delicious combination promises to make the rice even more delicious.
For those who want to cook salted sautéed calamari, make sure you don't add salt as a seasoning. Because the salted squid is delicious through the salt process. Without salt, the result of cooking salted calamari at home is delicious. Let's see the exact recipe for making salted squid next.
  • 100 grams of salted squid, cut into pieces, clean and wash and soak in water and put in boiling water, boil for a while and rinse in cold water, remove. 
  • 1/2 sweet corn that is boiled/boiled and dried 
  • 1/4 chopped onion 
  • 5 cloves bamer, pieces 
  • 4 pieces of garlic cloves 
  • 3 pieces of green tomatoes 
  • 2 large sliced ​​\u200b\u200btext 
  • 1 large sliced ​​red pepper 
  • 3 pieces of pepper 
  • sdkit galangal keprek 
  • tsp chopped green onions 
  • Mushroom broth, pepper and sugar to taste 

How to do it: 
  1. Saute all the onions until they become dry, add the tomato slices, galangal and all the chilies and saute again until fragrant. 
  2. Add the squid to the corn and add the mushroom broth, a little pepper and a little sugar and mix well. 
  3. Add a little cooking water and continue until the water dries up, finally add the sliced ​​spring onions​​​​​​, stir for a while, remove and serve with hot rice. 
Offering a spicy and salty taste sensation, the sautéed salted squid is perfect as a delicious rice meal idea. Come on, prepare a side dish at home by following the above recipe. Good luck!

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