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How to Make Semur Chicken Egg in Kediri City

Photo How to Make Semur Chicken Egg in Kediri

Stew is a common type of food during the holidays.
This menu has a balanced taste that goes well with white rice. Semur, which is beef stewed in a spicy soy sauce, is one of the three traditions.
In the beginning, the Indonesians already had a way of cooking and preserving meat. When many Chinese immigrants married Indonesians, a menu of fish cakes appeared. Housewives began to prepare the dish with sugar palm ingredients that turned into soy sauce. What is interesting is that neither the Chinese nor the Indonesians came up with the name of the stew. Semur, which means well-cooked tender meat, was given to him by the Dutch. Recently, stews do not contain only meat, one of them is chicken egg stew, which is cheap but still nutritious.
Let's take a look at the following chicken egg stew recipe! 
- 1 free-range chicken, choose a young one, cut into pieces, brown and short 
- 5 hard-boiled eggs, boiled and fried 
- 1 piece of tomato 
- 3 pieces of red pepper cut obliquely 
- Salt, sugar, ground pepper to taste 
- Soy sauce is delicious with soy sauce 
- Plenty of water 
- cooking oil 
Ground Vegetables: 
- 10 shallot sticks 
- 6 cloves of garlic 
- 1 small nutmeg 
  1. Saute the spices until fragrant, then add the tomatoes and chili peppers, and stir again 
  2. Add chicken, stir, pour enough water, add sweet soy sauce, soy sauce, mix well 
  3. Cook in low heat, when the chicken absorbs a little, add the egg, sprinkle salt, sugar and pepper on the ground, cook until the chicken is soft, reduce the sauce and spices. and a pinch of fried onions 

Thought this might help, okay?
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